Dear Parents,
We trust you are well and kept by the grace of God. This week we start a lesson on The Birth Of A Prophet. Please let your child/children take out their Bible and read the scripture aloud and then fill in the blanks given here below.
With Christian love and respects.
The Birth of a Prophet:
Passage A:
An Angel comes with a Message to Zechariah, the Priest
Read: Luke 1:5-25
In the days of……………….. the king of Judea, there was a priest Zechariah and his wife, Elisabeth who had no children, because Elisabeth was barren and they were both old already. They were upright and obedient to the Word of the Lord.
The Lord God called Gabriel, the Archangel and said: “See that man and his wife down below, they have constantly been praying to have a son. I want you Gabriel to take a very important message to them. Tell them their……………….. has been heard and they will have a son and you shall call his name………………..” So Gabriel went on this mission to deliver this important Message.
Meanwhile Zechariah had to perform his duties as priest to burn……………….. at the altar of God while the people prayed in the outer court of the temple. Suddenly the angel appeared to him at the right side of the altar and said to him, Be not………………..
- your prayer has been heard, your wife Elisabeth shall have……………….. and he shall be called John.
- He shall be great in the eyes of the Lord and He shall drink………………..;
- He shall be filled with the Holy Ghost from………………..;
- He will bring them much joy and many will rejoice at his birth;
- He will come in the Spirit of……………….., The Prophet and will turn many of the hearts of His people (The Israelites} to the Lord;
- And He will……………….. the people for the coming of the Lord. And that he will announce the coming of the Lord.
Instead of Zacharias being happy at the news,
Zacharias asked, “How can this be? My wife and I………………..!”
(What was he doing? He doubted that this could be done. Meaning, “Old women cannot have a baby”. We cannot have a baby. He……………….. the Word of the Lord, from this Angel.)
Gabriel told him that because of his unbelief, he would be……………….. and not able to speak until the child is born.
When Zacharias came out of the inner chamber, where the Angel met him. The people knew he had seen a……………….. as he couldn’t speak.
When his wife conceived (became pregnant) she hid herself for………………..
Elisabeth then receives an unexpected visitor from a relative/ family.
Next week we will learn what happens to her baby who has not moved for 6 months in her womb……………….. a dead baby was in her womb.
Answers to passage A
1. Herod
2. Barren
3. Prayer
4. John
5. Incense
6. Afraid
7. A son
8. Neither strong drink or wine
9. Birth (still in his mother’s womb)
10. Elijah
11. Prepare
12. Old
13. Doubted
14. Dumb
15. Vision
16. 5 months